Rules regarding film permit requirements are mostly established by the jurisdictions the locations are in. Please contact SFO if you have questions about whether a permit is required for your specific project. Generally speaking, most public space filming do not require permits as long as there is no hinderance to the public or traffic… HOWEVER, what seems like a public space, often isn’t so, as many public places in Singapore are privately or government managed.
For example, the Merlion, Singapore’s national symbol, requires permits from 3 authorities. (2 government, 1 private).

Once you have chosen your locations, SFO can coordinate the permits from the different stakeholders.

DRONES: Singapore drone rules are very strict and it’s NFZs are extensive. Drone permits require a minimum 2 weeks processing by the Civil Aviation Authority and other stakeholders, depending on the flight required. (Private land, government land, Air Force etc…) And are not guaranteed, so please make sure you give us ample time to apply.
Foreign pilots and aircrafts are strictly not allowed, except for very specific occasions. Only locally registered operators and aircrafts can get permits. However, if you have a project that requires you to bring your own operator or aircraft, talk to us about registering your operator and drone in Singapore.


